When most people think of police officers, they think of people who help to protect the community. While that is true of most police officers, there are some out there who might be facing legal troubles of their own. In Dallas, one police officer who is currently on restricted duty at the auto pound, has been accused of violating a protective order and assault.
The officer’s wife claims he verbally and physically abused her. More than two years ago, an internal investigation sustained the allegations of violating a protective order and assault against him. Despite that, the man wasn’t disciplined. The Police Chief acknowledges that his department made a mistake in the matter. He admits that there was no excuse.
Keeping the officer on the force is in direct contrast to what happened to two other officers in 2013. Those two officers had pending criminal family violence related crimes. They were two of the 21 officers fired in 2013.
The couple was married in 2000 and have had an on-and-off relationship. The wife called police in 2001 saying the man put a gun to his head while they argued. He was suspended five days and had a mental evaluation. Another incident occurred in 2003 when the wife was arrested after authorities were called to an altercation, but the charge was dropped. They divorced that year, but saw each other periodically until they remarried in 2010.
In October of 2011, police were again called. The wife says her husband pushed her head into a door frame, restrained her from behind and punched her in the back in front of their 10-year-old daughter. Officers noted a bruise on her head and one on her back. A protective order was issued. He then violated that order and was arrested for sending threatening text messages. After several trial delays, the man is set to go to trial early next month.
Anyone who is a victim of domestic violence has the right to seek protection from the court. Understanding how to seek that protection and what the protective order means is vital to ensuring you can stay as safe as possible.
Source: KHOU.com, “Dallas chief admits ‘error’ after officer’s alleged assault on wife” Tanya Eiserer, Feb. 25, 2014