Those in the family law field have been watching the divorce between Russian billionaire Dimitry Rybolovlev and his wife play out in the public eye for years, but it seems that a settlement has finally been reached. While the terms haven’t yet been released, the couple had previously been fighting over several multimillion dollar properties and a good portion of Rybolovlev’s $9 billion fortune.
The couple were reportedly married before the Russian billionaire made his fortune in the fertilizer industry, when he was studying to be a cardiologist. The two did not have a prenuptial agreement, and the 49-year-old man told reporters that he never intended to get a divorce.
According to reports, the man’s wife filed for divorce in 2008. Over the years, the couple has had a rather adversarial divorce process, including allegations of hiding assets and stealing possessions. The couple battled over how their art collection would be divided and also fought over properties in New York City, Palm Beach, Greece, Paris and Moscow.
At one point, a judge involved in the case ruled that the man’s wife was entitled to half of the money and assets, but it is not known how much the woman actually got in the settlement. The couple also has children together, but it was unclear if there were any custody or child support issues involved in the divorce filings.
This is just one example of how complicated and lengthy high-asset divorces can become. Taking a proactive role in trying to come to a settlement before communication dissolves and the divorce becomes hostile can help streamline the process.
Source: Town & Country, “T&C Exclusive: Inside the World’s Most Expensive Divorce,” Vicky Ward, Oct. 20, 2015