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Should I Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Almost every aspect of a personal injury claim will go more smoothly if you hire an injury lawyer. 

An experienced personal injury lawyer knows how to document and resolve an injury claim with insurance companies. In the event that the at-fault party or their insurance company refuses to pay a reasonable settlement, they have the legal skills to go to court. Personal injury lawyers can also be of great source of help when your case needs added legal knowledge and expertise in order to be successfully resolved.

In the event of a personal injury claim, consult with our personal injury attorney at Scott M. Brown & Associates. 

Scott M. Brown & Associates has had a lot of success helping people and families in Angleton, Pearland, League City, and Houston, Texas get the monetary compensation they deserve. Call us now to schedule a consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers!

Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney versus Handling Your Own Claim

You need to hire a personal injury attorney if you suffer an injury from an accident or because someone was negligent or broke the law. 

An injury attorney can help you get compensated for your personal injuries.  An attorney also looks out for your best interests against intimidating insurance companies and big businesses that try to escape from paying you fair  compensation for your personal injuries as well as damages.

Trying to solve a claim alone only to use the services of a lawyer afterward can make the legal process more complicated. It’s important that you recognize what you are capable of and what’s at risk if you make a mistake in the claims process.  If you don’t know what to do or how to manage a claim, call a personal injury lawyer right after you get hurt for a consultation to see if hiring one is worth the money.

When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer Is Beneficial

There are several advantages in getting the services of a personal injury attorney. Here are some examples:  

Blame For The Accident Is Disputed

Should i hire a personal injury lawyerAccident victims need to prove that their injuries were caused by the other person’s mistakes, negligence, or wrongdoing. You can’t receive compensation for your injuries if you can’t show evidence that your motor vehicle accident or pedestrian accident was caused by the other driver. If the opposite party denies responsibility, you should talk to our personal injury attorney right away.

Our attorney in Angleton, Pearland, League City, Houston, Texas does a meticulous investigation to find out how your personal injury happened as well as who is to blame. Our injury lawyer will collect evidence and come up with a legal blueprint to prove fault.


Can I Pursue Legal Action If I Was Injured In An Intersection Accident?

Intersection accidents can be complicated. Learn whether you have a case after being injured in one.

You’re Accused Of Playing A Role In The Accident

The other driver’s insurance company will perhaps agree to compensate you for your injury, but they can also say that you were partly to blame. For example, the other driver’s insurance company can say that the motorcycle accident has happened because you have been going too fast. So, you are partly to blame for the accident, even if the other driver has not given way when they should have.

This means that, if a judge decides that you are to partly to blame for the bicycle accident, you only get a percentage of the claim money.

A claim of “contributory negligence” is often used by insurance companies to minimize the cost they have to pay to settle a claim. A personal injury lawyer knows how to defend you against these false accusations.

Multiple Parties Are Involved

When more than one person is involved in your personal injury accident, hiring the services of a personal injury attorney can help. Medical negligence claims and other types of claims from construction site accidents, multiple vehicle accidents, as well as product liability are all examples of cases that usually involve multiple parties.  

Personal injury lawyers are experienced in dealing with the extra problems that come up when there are more than one defendant. While the parties involved are arguing about who caused your injuries, your lawyer builds a case to protect you.

Having more than one party involved can lead to more money for you. But it can also make a battle last longer, harder, and more complicated.

You Suffered A Traumatic Injury Or Are Permanently Disabled

Cases that involve traumatic injuries as well as permanent disabilities have problems that aren’t pervasive in other types of personal injury cases. For instance, if a defective product gives you a condition that makes you unable to work, you may need continuous medical care. It’s possible that you’ll never be able to work again.

You will be susceptible to future damages as a result of your disability or impairment.

Depending on your age, your disability, and some other variables, future damages can potentially amount to millions of dollars throughout your lifetime. A personal injury attorney can hire medical, economic, and financial experts to help figure out how much your future damages will be worth. This will help make sure you get the most value from your injury claim.

Settlements for traumatic injuries such as brain injury are often high-dollar. To avoid losing money, insurance companies fight hard to lower the cost of these claims. Getting the compensation you’re looking for after an injury is more likely if you have an experienced personal injury lawyer who knows how to document damages and get the most money for all damages.

The Insurance Company Is Acting In Bad Faith

The other person’s insurance company doesn’t care about paying for your injuries and damages. The company will rather not pay you anything concerning your injury claim if it can help it. So, when dealing with people, some insurance companies operate in bad faith.

For instance, the company may try to drag out the claim so that the deadline for filing your personal injury lawsuit expires and you lose your right to do so. 

For instance, the company may try to drag out the claim so that the deadline for filing your personal injury lawsuit expires and you lose your right to do so.  The following are some other ways an insurance company can act in bad faith:

  • Failing to look into a claim
  • Having to fill out too many unnecessary forms to process a claim.
  • Not paying a valid claim
  • Bringing up false claims of being partly to blame
  • Making up lies about how the insurance policy works
  • Misleading a victim on purpose about their legal rights.

There are several ways an insurer can operate in bad faith. Personal injury lawyers know how insurance companies work and how the law works when it involves injury claims. 

If an accident victim has a lawyer, the insurance company is less likely to do something bad.

If the insurance company won’t work with your lawyer to come up with a just settlement, your lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit. In some cases, just the threat of a lawsuit is enough to get the insurance company and the other people involved in your claim to concede to a fair settlement.

A Government Entity Is Involved In The Claim

Bringing a personal injury claim against the government is more difficult than bringing a claim against someone else. Governments often have immunity from liability, but there are a few exceptions.

If you get injured in a train accident, bus accident, or subway accident, you should call a personal injury lawyer right away. When compared to other claims, you have less time to file a claim against the government. When the government is involved in your personal injury, it is most advisable to have a competent lawyer handling your case.

Experienced And Competent Texas Attorneys

The insurance company of the person who caused your personal injury has a large team of experts working for them to protect them from liability. Not one of these parties will help you. The insurance company’s claims adjusters, investigators, and legal representatives are all working against your best interests.

This game is not fair. You need a level playing field by employing the help of a legal team to passionately fight for fair and equitable compensation for your personal injury. You should have someone on your side who will genuinely care about what’s best for you.

Let the personal injury lawyers at Scott M. Brown & Associates do the fighting and legal work for you. We go after the best possible outcome for our clients with passion, commitment, and tenacity. Call us now for an appointment. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

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