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Dedicated League City Attorney Protecting the Rights of Car Accident Victims

When a driver’s negligence causes an accident with another vehicle, the negligent driver is liable for the victims’ resulting damages. A victim can suffer a variety of injuries in a car accident, which can potentially mean permanent disability or disfigurement, a loss of earning capabilities, and a reduced quality of life. Sometimes, a car accident kills a victim, either immediately or in the weeks or months that follow the accident.

Driver negligence comes in many forms. A few examples include:

  • Speeding;
  • Distracted driving;
  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or another drug;
  • Drowsy driving; and
  • Driving in a reckless or aggressive manner.

A driver’s negligence can be exacerbated by environmental conditions like fog and rain. Sometimes, car accidents result from vehicle malfunctions or poorly maintained roadway. In these cases, vehicle manufacturers and government agencies, respectively, may be liable for victims’ damages.

Injuries that Car Accident Victims can Suffer

The injuries a victim suffers in a car accident depend on a variety of factors, such as the point of collision between the vehicles, the speed at which the accident occurred, and personal factors like the victim’s fitness level and whether he or she was wearing a seatbelt.

Car accident victims can suffer the following types of injury:

  • Soft tissue injuries;
  • Broken bones;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Cuts; and
  • Burns.

Long-term complications of these injuries can include paralysis, scarring, reduced range of motion, and loss of nerve sensitivity in the affected area.

Need legal help in Texas?

Be it family law, divorce, criminal defense, or personal injury — our Texas family law attorneys are here to help. We are results-driven, and we work tirelessly for our clients.

Our Houston family law and divorce attorneys have been providing compassionate and personalized legal services in Texas. Scott M. Brown is a certified family law specialist by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Seeking Compensation for your Car Accident Damages

Through a personal injury claim, a victim can seek compensation for the following damages:

  • Medical bills;
  • Lost wages; and
  • Pain and suffering damages.

Each of these categories covers a wide variety of damages. In addition to the wages an injured victim cannot earn in the short-term because of his or her need to take time off to recover, the victim can also seek compensation for the wages he or she will be unable to earn in the future because of a disability related to the accident. Lost wages compensation can also cover vocational rehabilitation costs. Pain and suffering damages include the cost of psychological counseling to work through the emotional trauma and a quantified dollar figure to compensate the victim for his or her lost quality of life due to chronic pain and reduced physical capacity.

If you plan to pursue compensation for your damages, work with a proactive personal injury lawyer who will handle all the necessary communications for your claim on your behalf.

Work with an Experienced League City Car Accident Lawyer

When you are suffering from an injury sustained in a car accident or you have lost a loved one in an accident, you could be entitled to recover monetary compensation for your damages through a personal injury or wrongful death claim. Contact our team of experienced car accident lawyers at Scott M. Brown & Associates today to set up your initial legal consultation with us.

Texas Family Law Attorney

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(979) 652-5246
