Skilled Family Lawyer Serving Clients in League City Texas
The one thing that’s always for sure is that life is never constant. Even after a divorce, families are always changing. Children grow up and their needs change. They may be diagnosed with a medical condition, necessitating a higher amount of child support. A parent may move or die, making it necessary for the other parent to have full custody of the kids.
It’s understandable that certain aspects of one’s life will change over time. Therefore, the law allows for the divorce decree to be changed to some degree. Not every aspect of a divorce can be changed, however. Property division decisions are final, but a couple can change child support, child custody and visitation.
Representing yourself is not the best way to win your case. Get the League City family law modifications lawyers at Scott M. Brown & Associates on your side to achieve a favorable outcome.
Child Custody Modification
If the child custody agreement that you and the other parent once agreed upon no longer works, you may wish to request a modification. The court focuses on the best interests of the children, which means having both parents involved in the child’s life, if possible. Therefore, modifying custody is not easy and the court will need a good reason why custody should be changed.
One good reason to modify child custody is domestic violence. If the child is being abused and no longer wants to live in the home with the custodial parent, the other parent should step in.
When a parent moves outside of the area, it’s likely that child custody will need to be modified. The court will need to understand why the parent is moving, whether or not the visitation schedule will still be possible and how the child will be affected.
Child custody will also need to be modified when a parent dies. The other parent will likely receive full custody. However, if a child has another preference or if the noncustodial parent cannot care for the child, then a third party will likely gain custody.
Need legal help in Texas?
Be it family law, divorce, criminal defense, or personal injury — our Texas family law attorneys are here to help. We are results-driven, and we work tirelessly for our clients.
Our Houston family law and divorce attorneys have been providing compassionate and personalized legal services in Texas. Scott M. Brown is a certified family law specialist by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
or Call us Today! (979) 652-5246
Child Support Modification
While a parent may have been able to pay a certain amount of child support at one time, incomes do not always stay the same. People get laid off from jobs. When this change happens, a person can petition for child support modification.
If a custodial parent loses his or her job, the parent may petition the noncustodial parent for more support. If the situation is reversed, the noncustodial parent can petition to pay a smaller amount of money until he or she gets another job.
The needs of children often increase as they get older. They become involved in after school activities and may have needs such as braces. It’s not uncommon for custodial parents to request additional support to pay for such expenses.
Do You Need a Modification?
Life changes, and sometimes what works well several years ago is no longer relevant. It’s not uncommon for divorce agreements to change to fit the ever-changing needs of the family.
If you need changes made to your divorce decree, seek legal help. The League City family law modifications lawyers at Scott M. Brown & Associates can assess your circumstances to see if a modification is in everyone’s best interest. To see how we can help you, contact us today at (281) 612-8241.