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League City Complex and Contested Divorce

Skilled League City Lawyers Helping with Complex and Contested Divorce

Divorces are on the rise in Texas, from 79,024 in 2011 to 80,030 in 2012. In an ideal world, it would be easy to divorce. You would simply have to fill out some paperwork and your divorce would be instantly granted.

Unfortunately, life is not that easy. In a marriage, both parties own all the assets that were acquired during marriage, so splitting them up is not an easy task at all. When one party contests the divorce or there is a high net worth involved, a divorce is much more complicated than one with very few assets or one where both parties are splitting amicably.

If you’re considering divorce, make sure you understand your legal rights. The League City divorce lawyers at Scott M. Brown & Associates can help you through the process, no matter how complicated.

Complex Divorce

When wealthy individuals divorce, the process is much more complex. Why? Because there are more assets involved. Those who are wealthy tend to own multiple homes and vehicles. They may also own their own businesses. These people also tend to have a lot of money in their bank accounts as well as stocks and retirement plans.

When a person has very few assets, splitting them up between the two parties is often easy. When a high net worth individual is divorcing, splitting the assets can be a challenge. The financial stakes are higher because the spouse will typically want a large share of the assets, especially if he or she did not work during the marriage or was not as successful. Both parties will fight for their fair share of the assets, and this can lead to a drawn-out process.

Need legal help in Texas?

Be it family law, divorce, criminal defense, or personal injury — our Texas family law attorneys are here to help. We are results-driven, and we work tirelessly for our clients.

Our Houston family law and divorce attorneys have been providing compassionate and personalized legal services in Texas. Scott M. Brown is a certified family law specialist by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce occurs when the parties cannot agree on the major issues in a divorce. One party may not even want to get divorced in the first place. This leads to many complications, as well as more time and money to settle the divorce. That’s because they need the court to decide on asset division, child support, alimony and child custody.

The courts recommend that spouses try to settle these issues on their own because it will result in a more favorable outcome. Even though a divorce can bring about heightened emotions, your best bet is to stay calm and try to settle your divorce in a mature manner. It will be to your advantage. When the court has to make the decisions, both parties often lose. Plus, the added drama of a contested divorce does more harm than good. It creates more stress, especially if there are children involved.

Getting Divorced? Our League City Divorce Lawyers Can Help

Divorce is hard enough when both parties agree on everything. When the spouses cannot agree on the major issues, or there are many assets involved, the process is much more difficult.

Let the League City divorce lawyers at Scott M. Brown & Associates help you finalize your divorce quickly and easily. We have extensive experience handling complicated divorces. To see how we can help you, contact us today at (281) 612-8241.

Texas Family Law Attorney

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(979) 652-5246
